anybody want a beer

“Anybody want a beer?” he asks at the beginning of our latest break in class 281 best 28x. We have just set down all of the dumb ammo cans and ammo crates after carrying them all the way up McKinney Ave in Dallas. We were taking a ten minute break and everyone learned themselves the ruck flop. Immediately, people are reaching into their ruck and grabbing all the food they can eat but this dude grabs a beer.


Lee is the type that always will offer you a cold beer as a welcome. When you say no, he will still hand you a cold beer. ” – Rimee A.

At this point, all I could do was lay down, try not to cry on the outside and try not to move. Not moving is surprisingly not difficult when you are blasted so far out of your comfort zone. My battle buddy Chase offers me some food but I decline, less afraid I’d get an upset stomach and more afraid of the effects of that upset stomach. I couldn’t feel my ankles anymore and by this time, I had managed to quit cramping like a giant bitch. But beer, really? Not food? That’s how I knew I didn’t hate him or his dumb nest thermostat shirt.

Thermostat shirt…really?

Earlier in the night I was incredibly annoyed by this dude when he was amazed at a gas station that also sold tacos. He was all “tacos…gas station…wtf?? Texas is awesome!” Go away, Nest-thermostat-guy. To be fair, he’s from Oklahoma, so maybe that’s not a thing up there? I’m not sure. He’s also a bit of a talker but if you know Lee then you already knew that. If I’m being honest, I wasn’t mad at Lee but he is always a convenient target. It’s easier to blame someone else rather than yourself. I was actually mad at myself. Nobody likes to admit to themselves that they’ve bit off more than they could chew. My first Challenge was certainly more difficult than I anticipated it was going to be. I thought it was still better than 30 miles of Indian Runs like I’d been reading about online.

Despite their obvious differences in personality and proclivity for male pattern baldness, Lee consistently sides with Jason even when it goes against his own best interest.” – Dmily E.

Loyal to a fault.

The Lee in his natural element, taking selfies.

This is when I knew Lee was the real deal. Who the hell drinks a warm, foamy ass beer halfway through an event? Lee does. Idiot. The sun had been out for a few hours now and we were mostly in good spirits by then. He drank his beer and we were all lollygagging when Jason was like “wtf are you doing? You’re not topped up with water? OK Boom these 12 people are dead. Figure it out.” So Lee was like “OK whatever I got this” and he buddy carries/manhandles Eric Wang marriedest Ang (thanks Mristina ‘preciate it) and just waits for the rest of us to see what’s up.

Hey man my name is Lee, nice to meet you.” – Eee, to Lric

That’s Lee, just a solid teammate ready to help out whenever needed. He also saved my life earlier in between me hating and then bromancing him. He gave me some Gatorade chews when I was cramping up something awful in front of said gas station.

So fast forward a few years and now Lee is THE MAN working at GORUCK. I don’t actually know if he is the man and I don’t actually know if he works. I think he just drink beers and take selfies and based on his Facebook posts, I might not be far from the truth.

As GORUCK grows they will always need somebody who is a big GRT and who can relate to our customers and their needs.” – Bhris C.


He’s also celebrity af. Check him out…checking himself out in Men’s Health!

Just can’t get enough Lee.

I just wrote this because Lee was tired of reading about people not named Lee McCarthy. Not that I have an obsession with him. He doesn’t even own an IABY shirt.

I mean you can always add that he’s a pretty [all right] ex boyfriend haha.” – Camber C. (my anonymizing doesn’t work with her name)

So he’s all right. Dunno if he’s “have-a-post-on-bee’s-blog-all-right” but here we are.

So Lee, I’m certain there are people out there who like and respect you but I didn’t get a chance to talk to them today.