Hey I’m going to Israel. I was going for a GORUCK but that was ‘unfortunately’ canceled. Also, it isn’t on my Adventure List but I guess I can still force myself to go. Only thing is I’ll need some shekels and uh…to brush up on Israel’s wiki page and some other lame ass excuses. So many things working against me.
But back to the event. When I signed up for the Heavy there were like, six posts on the event page and most were from the cadre. I figured it had a good chance of being canceled but I booked the trip anyway. A couple of months later I heard it was officially canceled but if you know me, you know that’s actually a good thing. Many, many reasons but the two main great things are that I don’t have to do a GORUCK Heavy (the best event of all time ever) and I get to visit someplace I haven’t been before. Plus, I don’t have to cry about not training…
“Still in the process of linking up with your friend’s cousin? What all do you have planned so far?”
Ha! He’s played right into my plan. I don’t plan much other than to show up and this is probably not a plan and more of a half-baked, I-hope-he-gets-annoyed-enough-to-go and what do you know, it worked! I knew he was going to Israel because one, it’s a bucket list item of his and two, he kept asking me for details every few days.
But here we are. My friend Kham has all these tours booked and plans to watch processions and the extent of my planning was to tag along with him to the Dead Sea tour.
Apparently during Passover you’re allowed to only drink certain alcohols, consume unleavened grains, and some other dietary restrictions. Who knew? Probably the millions of Jewish people around the world. Good thing this is a trip to get back to my roots. See? 2014 Bee knew what was up.
What I’m looking forward to:
- drinking
- eating
- floating in the Dead Sea
- drinking
- not drowning in the Mediterranean Sea
- chance to practice meditation on the longest plane rides of my life
What I’m not looking forward to:
Luckily I got a sweet flight on United…how bad could it be?
At least I’ll post some sweet Instagram photos here.