If you read my blog a few entries ago, you might remember #goquit and #bwaaa adventures with my GORUCK friends where we turned chicken shit into chicken salad (aided by lots of uh, chicken alcohol). So like two weeks ago these dudes were on the Facebooks and I commented and they were like ‘hey, Bee can be the guest of JP” and so a $91 round-trip flight it was done. Literally nobody cared that I was going to Pittsburgh but everyone was like “Damn, for $91 I’ll fly just about anywhere.”

I got to Pittsburgh and looked at an Uber but for $30 I’ll take public transport. It dropped me off in downtown, about a block over from Point State Park so I walked over to check it out. From what little I saw of it, Pittsburgh is a fantastic town. The weather was great at 70 degrees with a slight breeze. Everyone was out in force taking advantage of the weather. I thought “man is it always this nice? I should move here” but everyone disabused me of that quickly. “Remember Philly? The weather here is like that but all the time.”

This must be what it felt like when Jon went Beyond the Wall the first time. So much opportunity on the other side for death and destruction.

After looping around the Park I was getting dehydrated so I had to hit up Market Square in downtown. Everyone was all “you gotta go to Primanti’s” and I looped around the square at first but finally entered and I was…underwhelmed by the Pitts Burger but the Iron City Light beer was uh….not unpleasant. The people were phenomenal though. The staff were friendly and people were telling me about living in Pittsburgh. How the weather can be 4 different things in one day (snow, freezing rain…aka snow, super hot then muggy and humid).
Interesting sandwich. Locally sourced bread, fries are handcut every day, some type of meat and they put coleslaw on there. I wasn’t ready for that but it was great. Then she gave me hot sauce so I told everyone around me that hot sauce is the best condiment in the world and it was sorely needed in Israel.
Then we went to a rehearsal dinner, after party at a bar, and I fell asleep on the ride home. Because I’m old apparently.

JP and the guest of JPBut back to the open bar. I don’t know what shots were available but it was an endless supply of Miller Lite and Yuengling. I don’t know how many beers I had but I couldn’t keep up with JP. I tried to go beer for beer and lost. As usual.

Then you go back to the bar from the night before and crush beer like it’s nobody’s business. Then there was way too much day drinking the next day.